Is Sunday draw result! Fodi Box prediction strike
2 1st, 3 2nd, 5 sp & 6 cs.
- 4 top3 strike came from weekly prediction- 1 top3 strike came from monthly prediction- straight prediction 2477(hunt) strike conso at toto house- weekly abcd prediction strike 1 1st & 1 2nd prize
- aabb type strike 2 2nd prize
- weekly aabc prediction strike 1st at damacai house.

Damacai monthly ibox prediction 5599 strike 2nd prize. There are 5 ibox numbers in this set of prediction. Is ibox 5599 which emerge as winner for today draw. If you had bought this number, you had just strike rm167 prize money with rm1 big and rm334 with rm1 small. Congrat to you!
Damacai ibox prediction 5599 strike 2nd prize.

Toto weekly iperm aabb prediction 0088 strike 2nd prize. There are 5 iperm number in this set of prediction and it is 0088 which emerge winner today. Again, if you had bought this number with rm1 big, you had just won yourself rm167 of prize money. And if you had bought rm1 small, you just strike rm334 prize money. Congrat to those who had strike toto iperm 0088!!!
Hopefully more to come for you all!!! Strike more!!!