In the past 1 year since Apr 2016, Magnum monthly abcd prediction strike Top3 6 times after 15th for month of Apr, May, July, Oct, Nov and Mar.
This meant that Magnum monthly abcd prediction had higher chances to strike top3 after 15th. The following is the record:
1. Mbox 0569 strike 3rd prize on 16.04.2016.
2. Mbox 1268 strike 1st prize on 25.05.2016.
3. Mbox 0359 strike 1st prize on 30.07.2016.
4. Mbox 0259 strike 3rd prize on 19.10.2016.
5. Mbox 0178 strike 2nd prize on 27.11.2016.
6. Mbox 0238 strike 2nd prize on 19.03.2017.
Therefore you can try Magnum monthly abcd prediction after 15th each month to try to strike top3.
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