fodi : 09.09.12; fodi singapore strike 4 abcd & 2 aabc ibet. 2 of the strike are monthly prediction which is free for public. 1 is abcd ibet & the other one is aabc ibet.
For fodi weekly member, they are more benefited from today strikes. They have the chance to strike both the monthly and the weekly prediction if they haven choosen the right one. For fodi weekly member, they have the chances to strike another 3 prizes which non- fodi weekly member cant view.
Weekly prediction strike 2 abcd ibet & 1 aabc ibet. In total, they have the chance to strike more than non fodiweekly member.
1. non-fodiweekly member chances:
monthly prediction: 2 prizes
2. fodiweekly member chances:
monthly prediction: 2 prizes
weekly prediction: 3 prizes
finally the extra one in blue is from the treasure hunt prediction.
visit the following link to register as fodiweekly member now!!! dont miss out the chances again!!!