Total News: 1
Posted Date: 10/11/2016

No top3 strike for tonight East Malaysia special draw. Weekly prediction (yellow color) strike more prize than monthly prediction (red color) and hunt prediction (blue color). All strike came from box prediction and there is no straight prediction strike tonight.

For more result visit : http://www.fodi.com.my/fodiresult

Sabah weekly iplay abcd prediction did quite well tonight by striking 2 prizes. Out of the 10 weekly iplay abcd prediction, 2 iplay strike tonight. Iplay 3679 strike special prize while iplay 0568 strike consolation prize. For Sabah house player who manage to play this 2 numbers, congrat to you! You just won yourself some prize money!

SOURCE : Sabah weekly abcd prediction strike 2 prizes.

Scs house+s prediction perform the best in today East Malaysia special draw. It+s prediction strike 3 special prize and 2 consolation prize. 4 of its strike tonight came from weekly prediction and 1 came from monthly prediction. Weekly abcd box prediction 0278 strike special prize, weekly aabc box prediction 2366 and 0017 strike consolation prize while weekly aabb box prediction 1122 strike special prize.

Today special draw top performer is Scs house+s prediction!!!
Congrats to those who strike tonight!

Total News: 1

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